Beautiful people,
thank you for joining me in another issue of Love Letters on the Walls, where I discuss my journey, as well as my interest in the current comic book industry.
I think I’ll speak a bit on the process. People have asked, “How do you think of such a story?” or “How did you turn that idea, into a product in my hands?”
Well, the answer is simple yet complexed but, it starts with a single image. A set of keys, placed on a nightstand drawer; a half ripped calendar with a note of an anniversary; a shutdown nail salon: they all have a place and a story to tell, I simply transport myself to the moment in the image and tell the story.
From there I like to do a process I call, ‘Beat it out’, and yes that kind of beat; a heartbeat.
By creating bullet points on the important pieces of the story, I generate a heartbeat for the story which’ll also serve as an outline to the comic in its entirety. From there, you follow the heroes journey to flesh out your image to a full, grown story which is ready to be edited and published from that point.
Any successful writer will tell you that writing is %10 creating and %90 editing. From your eyes to beta readers to the publishers; everyone is editing and critiquing it until the very end of the finished product. Now, although this may seem like a tedious, mind-racking process, I honestly couldn’t see myself doing anything else in this world as my mark on it. Well, maybe creating soundtracks to these stories, but that’s a different story for another time.
If you haven’t had the opportunity
to visit GlobalComix just yet and you’re an avid comic book reader, do yourself the favor. From all ends of the indie spectrum, Globalcomix is not just where you can read Spawn, or Power Rangers, or Dick Tracy, but where you can also get your hands on and support the extremely independent creator’s works such as Cleavage or The Extraordinary Life of Average Joe.
Various indie comics found on Globalcomix
When I first drafted The Extraordinary Life of Average Joe, I took a step back to look at where I’ve been and where my life is headed, as well as some friends I know who are out, living these amazing lives of; drifting through the night streets or even helping in the advancement of weather tech and medical sciences. I looked at these people and their lives and was reminded of a quote my old band instructor use to tell us.
‘The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little bit of extra.” - Phillip Crews
Following Average Joe, loosely based on the average, male-American-gamer, it's a story about how that little bit of extra can go a long way, if and when used properly . The Extraordinary life of Average Joe is an ongoing series, available now as a GlobalComix exclusive: in collaboration with Bad Cat Comics and with new issues coming!
What am I reading?
I was hoping the release of the final issue to Marvel’s Blood Hunt would have released by time I uploaded this, but it release this NCW, to which I’ll review in my next newsletter.
For now, Space Ghost coast to coast. Space Ghost coast to coast. Space Ghost coast to coast.
That’s not the name of this new run of Space Ghost, but if you’re from my generation, you remember this caped crusader as a beloved, late night talk show host on Adult Swim. Now, returning back to his heroic origins, Space Ghost by Dynamite Comics is a refreshing take on a classic character as we learn more about his powers as well as the world of Space Ghost! Really digging these first few issues so far, plus, there’re some really cool covers on the market for them so looking forward to reading more as I throw Space Ghost at the top of my, ‘must read‘ list.
Space Ghost 4/5 stars.
I would also like to speak briefly on these cool, holographic facsimiles the industry that feel like a refreshing way of allowing new readers to enjoy old arcs. Rather your a collector or looking catch up, you can find some of these cool remakes at your local comic shop.
This newsletter I’ll end by proposing a question. How do you feel about A.I? Are you a creator or solely a consumer? How do you feel about the use of A.I programs in the creation of art?
Let me know how you feel in the comments below, as always I appreciate you stopping by to read and try to keep in mind; ‘with compassion and empathy as the foundation’
con encanto muchos - Chris.Dot